Police officers have been fairly busy as of late trying to keep college football players in line. Last Friday, we told you about a bunch of Tennessee football players brawling at a bar. More football players found themselves in trouble Friday night, this time from Notre Dame, as they accounted for eight of the 43 people that were arrested at a party in South Bend. Among them was Joe Montana’s son, Nate Montana. Here’s a brief rundown from WNDU:
Among those arrested are eight Notre Dame football players, including Nate Montana, the son of football great Joe Montana and back-up QB; Lorenzo Wood, a cornerback and 2010 recruit; Chris Watt, a sophomore offensive guard; Robert Toma, a 2010 wide receiver recruit; Nicholas Tausch, a sophomore kicker; Ta-iler Jones, a 2010 wide receiver recruit; Steven Filer, a junior outside linebacker; and Tate Nichols, a 2010 recruit.
All those arrested were held overnight in the St. Joseph County jail until their blood alcohol content had dropped to legal levels.
Nothing like spending an evening in the drunk tank. It’s unclear if all of the people involved were arrested for underaged drinking, but it sounds like a scenario of kids being kids. The real question is how do they manage to get bagged? I may or may not know plenty of people who have been to parties and had a few drinks before the big two-one. How is it that Division 1 athletes can’t seem to keep themselves out of trouble with the law when they choose to engage in such behavior?
Eight Notre Dame football players, basketball star among 43 arrested at party [WNDU]
Nine Notre Dame Athletes Reportedly Arrested for Underage Drinking [The Sporting Blog]