Rick Moody's breakthrough novel of 1994, "The Ice Storm," was informed by his adolescence in suburban Connecticut, yet despite the urging of fans, the author has resisted returning to that psychic terrain.

But Mr. Moody, now based in Brooklyn, is calling his new work, "The Four Fingers of Death," a sequel of sorts. Never mind that the novel, out next week, is set 15 years in the future and involves a mission to Mars; Mr. Moody says the inspiration lies in a period in the early 1970s when he and his siblings watched horror movies on TV. The book centers on a man named Montese Crandall, who is writing a novelization of the 1963 film "The Crawling Hand"—a Moody clan favorite.
"For us, these kinds of B-horror films were a family ritual in the time when we trying to get through my parents' divorce," Mr. Moody says.