Regis and Kelly come to Prince Edward Island

Monday, July 12, 2010

Prince Edward

One of the biggest daytime talk-shows in the United States has arrived in Canada’s smallest province, and its two stars are soaking up the local culture.

“Live! With Regis & Kelly” will broadcast from Prince Edward Island from July 12 to 15. It will be a big outdoor production at Charlottetown’s Confederation Landing Park, showcasing the island’s beautiful scenery but also prey to the East Coast elements.

“I hope it’s not raining and windy and stormy,” co-host Regis Philbin said. “Because, well, if it is, it’ll add to the drama of the whole thing.”

Philbin has already been touring Charlottetown, taking in the city’s history. But there’s one part of the Maritimes he has no fondness for: mussels and oysters.


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